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26 & 27 November 2025
KKL Lucerne

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26 & 27 November 2025 | KKL Lucerne

Welcome to the European Economic Forum – Europe's leading business conference for current and future leaders. Each year, 700 decision-makers from business, politics, academia, and society gather to tackle pressing economic and geopolitical challenges and shape bold strategies for a resilient, competitive Europe.



  • Anticipate the future: Gain deep insights into economic and geopolitical trends
  • Make smarter decisions: Leverage best practices to drive success for yourself and your business
  • Inspiring keynotes: Broaden your perspective on today’s most pressing challenges


  • From ideas to action: Develop fresh perspectives in interactive sessions.  
  • Broaden your mindset: Engage in dialogue with rising and established leaders.
  • Drive change: Contribute to a strong and competitive Europe.


  • Connect with Europe's top leaders and build valuable relationships
  • Network with 700+ decision-makers from 46 European countries
  • Forge lasting connections across generations, borders, and industries

EEF 2024


A heartfelt thank you to the 700 participants for two days of intense inspiration, insightful encounters, and meaningful discussions centered on the question: How can we prevent Europe’s economy from ending up Home Alone?


Stay up to date

A strong Europe is competitive: what can we learn from small nations?

In a globalised world facing increasingly complex problems, small states could play a key role. Author James Breiding looks at how countries such as Denmark, Singapore and Switzerland are models of innovation and competitiveness. 'The future will be written by small nations because they are more flexible, more experimental and better at building social consensus', says Breiding.

How do we shape a strong Europe?

Europe is at a crossroads. Geopolitical tensions are rising, authoritarian forces are gaining influence around the world, and populist movements within the EU are shaking its cohesion. 'The next five to ten years will determine whether Europe can defend its values and secure its future', warned philosopher and journalist Michel Friedman in a high-profile panel discussion with political geographer Luiza Bialasiewicz and Liechtenstein's Prime Minister Daniel Risch. The illusion of carefree stability must be discarded and the foundations for a strong, united Europe must be laid.

From ego systems to ecosystems: Europe's Collaborative Future with Artificial Intelligence

Fear of missing out (FOMO) is a phenomenon that affects many companies and governments in Europe when it comes to artificial intelligence. This uncertainty and a rapidly evolving AI market mean that investments in technologies are often made in a hurry and without a clear strategy. At the same time, the European Union is leading the way in terms of regulation with the AI Act, while the US model of 'try and error' seems to offer more opportunities for development and attract talent. How can Europe strengthen its competitiveness in the dynamic AI market without compromising its own values? The answer lies in cooperation between European AI players and the transformation of ego systems into true ecosystems, according to experts Jana Strattner, Tim Roder and Andreas Jagusch in a session at the Lucerne Dialogue Annual Meeting.


Forvis Mazars
Orange Business