Andreas Gerber hat mehrere Verwaltungsratsmandate inne und war von 2017 bis 2024 Präsident des Swiss Venture Clubs (SVC). Seine Karriere begann er 1989 bei der Credit Suisse, wo er 2009 zum Managing Director aufstieg. Von April 2015 bis 2020 war er Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung und leitete das KMU-Geschäft Schweiz. Andreas Gerber ist diplomierter Betriebsökonom (FH) und absolvierte das Executive Program am Swiss Finance Institute (SFI) in Zürich sowie an der Tuck School of Business des Dartmouth College in Hanover, USA.
Andreas Gerber holds several board mandates and was Chairman of the Swiss Venture Club (SVC) from 2017 to 2024. He began his career at Credit Suisse in 1989, where he was promoted to Managing Director in 2009. From April 2015 to 2020, he was a member of the Executive Board and Head of SME Business Switzerland. Andreas Gerber holds a degree in business administration (FH) and completed the Executive Programme at the Swiss Finance Institute (SFI) in Zurich and at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College in Hanover, USA.